Precision Pastures expands into Central West NSW

Opportunities in soil carbon are on the rise in Central Western NSW, which has seen Precision Pastures place its boots on the ground in Dubbo. 

The uptake of soil carbon farming initiatives in grazing enterprises across the state of New South Wales has seen soil, pasture, and carbon agronomy business, Precision Pastures, expand into the Central West. 

Founded in 2015 in Armidale in the Northern Tablelands as an independent soil, pasture, and carbon agronomy service provider, Precision Pastures focuses on increasing farm productivity through understanding and rejuvenating soils first, whilst offering end-to-end soil carbon project services to farmers located across the eastern states of Australia. The business has now established its boots on the ground in Dubbo.

Precision Pastures soils and pasture agronomist Drew Walsh relocated to Dubbo in 2023, following four years at the company’s headquarters in Armidale. He says this venture not only represents a new chapter for Precision Pastures’ business but also signifies a commitment to nurturing a resilient and thriving agricultural ecosystem in the Central West. 

“The Central West is home to some of Australia’s most experienced producers and the prospect of bringing innovative agricultural solutions to this area is very exciting,” Drew says.

Drew Walsh

“I’m really keen to collaborate with local farmers, understand their unique needs, and tailor our carbon agronomic solutions accordingly. I look forward to contributing to the region’s agricultural development and promoting practices that increase production and rewards farmers in the form of carbon credits.”

Drew is responsible for overseeing the data collection and analysis for Precision Pastures’ agronomy and soil carbon services business. Tasked with the strategic management of regional operations, he spearheads initiatives aimed at optimising agricultural practices and enhancing soil health. He holds a Bachelor of Rural Science from the University of New England (UNE), Drew brings a profound understanding of rural dynamics to his role, underpinned by a genuine passion for advancing the rural sector’s sustainability and productivity. 

Drew conducts soil carbon baseline testing, grid sampling, pasture biomass trials, soil moisture probes and electromagnetic surveys. He says he is passionate about the opportunity to assist farmers to understand and harness the co-benefits that a soil carbon project can offer. 

The Central West is characterised by diverse agricultural landscapes, from grazing lands, cropping areas, and mixed farming enterprises. Drew says these different land uses offer opportunities for implementing various soil carbon management practices which can enhance soil carbon levels without detriment to yields and biomass production.

“The soils in the Central West vary widely in type and texture, but many are suitable for carbon sequestration initiatives. The cracking clays and sodic soils are common in the region and have the potential to store significant amounts of carbon when managed and treated appropriately,” he says. 

“Many Central Western farmers are already adopting sustainable land management practices aimed at improving soil health and ultimately increasing productivity. Capitalising on these practices through increasing soil organic carbon levels and enhancing overall soil quality in parallel is a no brainer.”

Drew says there is a thirst for knowledge from farmers keen to understand the risks and opportunities associated with soil carbon projects. 

“Our most popular service is a Carbon Starter Report – a two-part preliminary assessment of your farm’s ability to sustainably sequester soil carbon. We can present the potential benefits to your production system and financial income and answer common questions, including how long a project runs, any associated costs, risks, and obligations involved in a soil carbon agreement.”

Precision Pastures held a Soil Carbon Information Day in Dubbo last year which was very well attended by local farmers and agribusinesses. Due to the success of the 2023 event, the business will again host a field day in 2024. 
For more information about Precision Pastures and its soil carbon farming services in the Central West, contact Drew Walsh on 0427 996 138 or