What We Do
Precision Pastures is an independent soil, pasture and carbon services company.
We use the latest technology, satellite imagery and GPS soil testing equipment to assist farmers across Australia to achieve their production objectives.
We put data first and central to all our services and back it up with direct access to our agronomists and support staff.
Utilising GPS and satellite imagery to create digital farm maps including paddock boundaries and soil & vegetation zones.
Utilising electromagnetic, NDVI, bulk density, gamma and other satellite imagery for VRA and strategic fertiliser prescriptions.
Utilising comprehensive soil sampling, testing, satellite imagery and soil surveys to create tailored pasture improvement programs.
On-farm research trials (partnering with Meat & Livestock Australia and other research institutes) to lead the way in new soil, pasture and carbon research.
Utilising the latest equipment and fully-trained team that meets the high standards of soil carbon sampling for private and wholesale clients.
Providing individual services or complete end-to-end solutions for farmers seeking to undertake a soil carbon project.

Satisfied Clients
Average Hectares
Per CLient
Australian Carbon Credit Units
ACCU Managed

Soil carbon farming involves sequestering CO2 in agricultural soils. Australian farmers who register a soil carbon project with the Clean Energy Regulator will receive one Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) for every ton of CO2 removed from the atmosphere and stored in their soils.
Soil carbon farming can also benefit agricultural production via increased moisture retention and increased crop and pasture yields.
Aligning eligible activities of a new soil carbon project with your production objectives is our speciality.
We can comprehensively assess your soil, pasture and carbon levels to determine the best eligible activity, which may include applying lime, gypsum, synthetic or organic fertilisers, changing stocking density or switching from permanent cropping to mixed pasture production.
If we get this alignment right, you can maximise your production and generate Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) at the same time.