Beef Australia 2024 highlights

Beef Australia insights – Glenavon Angus
We caught up with Richard Post from Glenavon Angus to glean insights into how and why they registered a soil carbon project as part of their stud and commercial livestock enterprise. Richard explains how Precision Pastures assisted with an initial assessment of the soil carbon levels on their land several years ago and how, through targeted agronomy and land management, they are renovating pastures, improving soil carbon stocks, and potentially earning carbon credits in the process.
Beef Australia highlights – Palgrove
Our agronomist and operations manager Drew Walsh caught up with Will Heath, CEO of Palgrove, one of Australia’s largest seedstock businesses, on their approach to soil carbon opportunities. Tune in to hear how Palgrove is addressing soil health constraints whilst generating ACCUs through targeted agronomy and land management.
Beef Australia insights – legal considerations in soil carbon agreements with Moin Morris Schaefer
Project coordinator at Precision Pastures, Rowena Skuse, caught up with Georgie Whalley, solicitor, Moin Morris & Schaefer Lawyers to unpack key legal considerations in soil carbon farming agreements. As specialists in this field, Moin Morris Schaefer break down some complex issues associated with these agreements, relevant to all producers undertaking a soil carbon project on their land.
BEEF Australia insights – softly, softly: starting out on the soil carbon journey in central queeensland, with sam and sarah becker, jarrah cattle company
Precision Pastures CEO Hamish Webb sat down with Sam and Sarah Becker, cattle producers in Central Queensland, to discuss what initially drew them to explore soil carbon opportunities as part of their stud and commercial cattle business. The couple had been addressing soil health issues following years of dryland farming across one property, which led them to realise the co-benefits of increased production, diversification, and environmental sustainability when boosting soil carbon levels.
Beef Australia insights – the importance of measurment and data capture in soil carbon projects wih agriwebb
We caught up with John Fargher, co-founder of AgriWebb alongside their Head of Sustainability, Nicky Buckley-Biggs, on the importance of data capture to track sustainability practices on-farm, and how these tools assist producers undertaking soil carbon projects to monitor and manage their grazing activities required as part of their Land Management Strategy.